Wind Chill Temperature ABOVE 36° Normal Practice
33°- 35° with Precipitation No more than 45 minutes outside
32° or Below with Precipitation No Outside Practice
32°- 35° without Precipitation No more than 1 hour outside
26°- 31° without Precipitation No more than 30 minutes outside
25° or Below without Precipitation No Outside Practice
Wind Chill Temperature ABOVE 40° Normal Practice
35°- 39° with Precipitation No more than 45 minutes outside
35° or Below with Precipitation No Outside Practice
35°- 39° without Precipitation No more than 1 hour outside
35° or Below without Precipitation No Outside Practice
Severe Weather Guidelines
Most of our practice facilities do not have shelter facilities from severe weather or lightning. The chance of that weather moving in during practice will often play a part in a coach's decision to cancel practice beforehand... and often the call is made to cancel and the weather doesn't materialize. If weather does move in during a practice, coaches will make sure the kids are safe... moving them off of the fields, sending them to cars, under cover, etc. until the weather passes or a determination to suspend practice is made.
Wind Chill Temperature ABOVE 36° Normal Practice
33°- 35° with Precipitation No more than 45 minutes outside
32° or Below with Precipitation No Outside Practice
32°- 35° without Precipitation No more than 1 hour outside
26°- 31° without Precipitation No more than 30 minutes outside
25° or Below without Precipitation No Outside Practice
Wind Chill Temperature ABOVE 40° Normal Practice
35°- 39° with Precipitation No more than 45 minutes outside
35° or Below with Precipitation No Outside Practice
35°- 39° without Precipitation No more than 1 hour outside
35° or Below without Precipitation No Outside Practice
Severe Weather Guidelines
Most of our practice facilities do not have shelter facilities from severe weather or lightning. The chance of that weather moving in during practice will often play a part in a coach's decision to cancel practice beforehand... and often the call is made to cancel and the weather doesn't materialize. If weather does move in during a practice, coaches will make sure the kids are safe... moving them off of the fields, sending them to cars, under cover, etc. until the weather passes or a determination to suspend practice is made.